The Arrow Trail is a driving route that celebrates and explores the incredible story of the Avro Arrow, honours the amazing efforts of the team behind the Raise the Arrow campaign, and shares the intertwining stories that weave Canadian folklore & national icons into local legend....
The trail is a partnership project with the Royal Canadian Air Force, 8 Wing, Osisko Mining/Raise the Arrow, The National Air Force Museum of Canada, The County Museums, Base 31, The Regimental Museum, The South Shore Joint Initiative, The County of Prince Edward, The Municipality of Quinte West, and The City of Belleville.
Explore the journey of the Avro Arrow, from concept to cancellation, along the Arrow Trail

plan your adventure
explore the trail
National Air Force Museum
Daily 10am-5pm May 1-Sept 30
Wed-Sun 10am-5pm Oct 1-April 30
The National Air Force Museum of Canada is a must-see attraction in the Quinte area. With over 75,000 square feet of display space attached to a sprawling, 16-acre air park, plan to set aside a few hours to truly enjoy this aviation gem. Established in 1984, the NAFMC is dedicated to preserving and telling the history of Canadian military aviation. From the first powered flight on a frozen lake in Nova Scotia, through to today’s humanitarian relief missions, the Museum captures the spirit, the daring and the courage of the Canadians who have, and are currently serving, with the RCAF.

rep the arrow trail
Merch selection varies by trail site

"We initiated the Raise the Arrow program with the idea of bringing back a piece of lost Canadian history to the Canadian public. The Arrow is a proud reminder of what we as Canadians have done, what we Canadians do, and what we Canadians can do."